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What Happens During a Space Clearing

Writer's picture: Serena JamesSerena James

Updated: Mar 6, 2024

If you’ve never had a space clearing (also called home energy cleanse or home energy healing), you probably have no idea what to expect or if it is something your home even needs. Keep reading to learn more about what happens space clearings.

Cleansing the Energy of Your Home

Homes, just like everything else, are energy. Energy interacts with the energy surrounding it. When they say we are all connected, you can interpret this as we are all connected energetically.

Your home is meant to be a sanctuary, a healthy and safe space for you and your family and animal companions to dwell. If the energy of your home is healthy, you can expect that to have a positive effect on your mind, body, and spirit for you and others living there. Conversely, if the energy of your home is not healthy, you can expect it to have a negative effect on your mind, body, and spirit for you and others living there.

Cleansing the energy of your home is just like cleansing the energy of people and animals. It helps release the non-beneficial energy to raise the vibration. In your home, energy can become old and stagnant and get stuck in different parts of your home. You notice this through issues in how you feel and what you experience, but you probably never thought to look to your home for solutions.

You benefit from cleansing your own personal energy from time to time, and your home does, too. If you ever feel like you’re doing your best in caring for yourself but still feel stuck, drained, or held back somehow, the energy of your home is the next best place to look.

Using Pendulum Dowsing for Cleansing Your Home

Pendulum dowsing is my preferred method for working with energy. It tells us so much, but beyond information, it helps us to actually shift energy in a beneficial direction.

Each healing session for a home is unique based on the needs of the home. Maybe you just moved in, maybe people are not getting along, perhaps you sense negative energy in your home. There are many reasons to have your space energetically cleared.

You might have a specific goal for your home which would be used as the intention to lead your session. But sometimes when it comes to energy, what we think is an issue is only the result we are seeing on the surface and not the root cause. For example, you know that people are not getting along in your house, so it seems obvious they are having their own issues. But the root cause behind them not getting along could actually be from detrimental energy in your home.

It is also perfectly acceptable to have a generic intention for your home to uncover anything standing in the way of the highest good of your home and those who live there.

I’m going to share with you a space clearing session I did on my own home so you can have a better picture of what a session might look like for you. Remember, all sessions are unique, and this is just one real-life example.

My Home Clearing Session

To begin the session on my home, I set this intention:

Clear the path for our home to help us all thrive physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Using my pendulum, I found the ideal frequency of my home, that is its optimal vibration: 75

Next, I measured its current frequency, where it is vibrating right now: 35

You can see my home was vibrating below its ideal frequency which indicates there were some energetic issues to address.

Working in my pendulum dowsing programs, I was guided to a chart that told me I needed to reposition some items in my home. Looking for more specificity, I discovered this action needed to be taken in my guest bedroom. Knowing what items were in there, I began asking what needed to be moved. Ah, a headboard that had been propped against the side of the bed waiting to be adhered to the bedframe.

Then I was guided to call in the energy of Archangel Uriel, the archangel of peace, into my home. Here I infused this angelic, purple light energy throughout my home using my pendulum.

Next I was shown a Feng Shui bagua area that needed my attention- the fame and reputation bagua. In my home, this area is present in…can you guess? My guest bedroom! This area needed both physical action and energy healing. I learned specifically I needed to bring in some fire elements.

In Feng Shui, elements are represented by various colors and shapes. Fire could include colors like red and orange and accent colors like green, blue, and teal. I dug deeper and found that green and red elements should be added. I also found that taller lamps on the nightstands would be more beneficial. Incorporating more triangles into the décor would help the energy, and adding a living green plant would be good, too.

There was nothing else to come up in this session which meant it was time to do the clearing. For this session, there were two spiritual guides helping me with the clearing: Archangel Raphael (healing and nurturing energy) and an animal spirit guide.

To do the clearing, I allowed my pendulum to swing while I repeated the intention I set before beginning my session:

Clear the path for our home to help us all thrive physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

When my pendulum finished swinging, I took a final current frequency of my home: 65

Takeaways from this Session

There are a few important things to note from this session. First, this session was a combination of energy healing and recommended physical action steps to take to improve the energy. Second, the ending current frequency was 65, still below the ideal frequency of 75. The energetic shifting did help raise the vibration, and it should increase to the 75 when I am finished taking the recommended action steps (adding triangles, a plant, and taller lamps).

Lastly, there was a heavy focus on the fame and reputation bagua, and I look at how this translates into my life currently. In Feng Shui, the Fame and Reputation bagua has to do with your inner light, how you’re perceived, gaining visibility, being recognized, etc. Have I ever felt invisible? Yes. Have I ever struggled with feeling like I’m not getting enough recognition? Yes. See how the physical, emotional, and energetics in our life are so intertwined? Thank goodness for energy healing!

I had a major discovery after this session.

After the Session

My partner adhered the headboard to the frame and wow- what a visual improvement in that room! The room even feels more comfortable physically and emotionally. Then I found some cool triangular wall hanging shelves online that my son says he can make in class at school.

Not long after I did this home session did I discover that my type of healing through pendulum dowsing isn’t something many people are aware of. This would make it difficult for people to seek me out even though they’re looking for the mind-body-spirit support I provide. Shifting the energy in this bagua and taking just some of the recommended physical actions has supported me to make this discovery and to take steps to help me move forward in my desired direction: supporting people all over the world to overcome obstacles to experience joy, wellness, and prosperity as they were meant to.

So often when we feel stuck somewhere, we are chasing solutions that might not be appropriate for the situation. Isn’t it so cool how doing this session helped me to recognize where I was feeling stuck and why I was feeling stuck? And through a Home energy healing session at that! And not only do I have a better understanding of where I’m at and where I stand with the outside world, but I have energetically cleared the path to get un-stuck.

I’m still on the lookout for taller lamps and need to add a living green plant. I didn’t do it during my session, but through pendulum dowsing, I can even take the guesswork out of which living green plant to choose and just ask which one would be best. Just a second, I need to do this right now! Sounds like a red-flowering cactus plant would be great in this area, perfect for those triangular wooden shelves I’m looking forward to!


Unless you have a ghostly spirit terrorizing your home, you might have thought a space clearing sounded pretty boring. But I believe they can be quite revealing and an essential part of caring for your energy. With energy healing, you never have to guess what needs to be addressed to better support you, I just follow the energy.

What will you discover in your home energy healing session?

Thanks for reading!

Be love. Be light. Just Be.

Fully step into your power by embracing your gifts and overcoming the energetic barriers keeping you from shining your light.


About the Author: Hi, I'm Serena James! I'm an energy healer passionate about helping people experience a life full of joy, wellness and prosperity. I'm the owner of Just Be and author of the book Vibe Higher. Be sure to check out my Resources page to support you on your journey of healing and growth.

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease or illness. Any action you take as a result of this information is self-prescribed and your right to do so.

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