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Writer's pictureSerena James

Manage Stress with Energy Healing

The detrimental impact stress can have on you should be taken seriously. Stress-related ailments account for 75-90% of all doctor's visits (WebMD, 2017). Stress hurts emotionally, physically, and spiritually: it's expensive, it can harm relationships, it can interfere with job performance, and it can make people very ill.

woman holding head in hands

Perhaps the best way to combat stress is to avoid it, but can you really spend your life avoiding your family, your job, your bills, or your home? Probably not. So that leaves you with a couple of options: let it go until you make yourself sick or, maybe a better option, manage and reduce your stress in healthy ways.

You already know how valuable rest, exercise, and nutrition are to maintain healthy stress levels, so I won't bore you with discussing those options. Instead let's explore a couple things you might have not thought of before.

Aromatherapy for Stress Relief

I think a lot of people still don't realize how beneficial the use of essential oils is. Citrus oils including Bergamot, Lemon, and Orange have been proven to boost mood (Komori, et al., 1995). Oils like Vetiver and Cedarwood have been proven to increase focus (Friedmann, n.d.). Oils like Valerian, Lavender, and Cedarwood are helpful for creating a relaxing atmosphere. Oils like Rosemary, Cypress, and Peppermint can help increase alertness and improve mental clarity. Sound fabulous? It is! And this is just skimming the surface of the potential of essential oils.

Essential oils can be diffused or applied topically to the skin to support emotions. Use a cold-water diffuser, diffuser jewelry, or simply add a drop of your chosen oil(s) to your hands and rub together then cup over your mouth and nose to inhale. To use topically, I recommend applying to the back of neck, behind the ears, wrists, bottoms of feet, or a specific Chakra.

Essential oils have very high frequencies, so when you use them, you are increasing your frequency.

Some essential oils require dilution, and if you have sensitive skin or will be applying frequently, you will definitely need to dilute in a carrier oil such as coconut, jojoba, or extra virgin olive oil. Some people also like to make their own roller bottles for ease of application, and it also extends the life of your essential oil (think bigger bang for your buck). I recommend rollers with a stainless steel roller bottle, and I top off with fractionated coconut oil.

Let's recap...essential oils can do many things to help us maintain healthy stress levels including:

  • Boost mood

  • Increase focus

  • Promote relaxation

  • Increase alertness

  • Improve mental clarity

Now let's take a look at another excellent stress reduction option you might not be aware of.

Energy Healing for Stress Relief

One of the most well-known methods of energy healing is Reiki. It is great for relieving stress and promoting relaxation. According to Hartford Hospital in Connecticut (2019), Reiki can promote deep relaxation and help reduce anxiety, muscle tension and pain, and can also accelerate healing. It's no wonder over 60 US hospitals have adopted Reiki as part of their patient care and hospice programs.

While there are several different modes for energy healing, they all have the same outcome: supporting the well-being of an individual by clearing energetic blockages, releasing stagnant, detrimental energy, and shifting detrimental energy into beneficial energy. As Einstein said, energy cannot be created nor destroyed; it can only be changed from one form to another.

My primary method for energy healing is pendulum dowsing. It is great because it's non-invasive, works very quickly, and has lasting results.

Fight Flight Freeze Fawn Stress Responses

Fight Flight Freeze and Fawn are the most common ways your mind and body react to stress or danger. The 4 Fs are commonly referred to as trauma responses or stress responses. We know these responses are inherited from our ancestors who once literally had to choose to fight the bear, flee from the bear, play dead for the bear, or keep the bear happy. For majority of us, the bear is not the everyday threat, but we encounter other stressors and situations in our lives that still trigger these responses in our lives and it is wreaking havoc on on the well-being of our minds, bodies, and spirits.

infographic of symptoms of fight flight freeze and fawn

Your Stress Response System doesn't have to continue in an unhealthy state. In my Resonant Radiance program, I use advanced energy healing protocols to support your Stress Response System. Everyone I have worked with so far has needed over 20 sessions to help relieve their Stress Response System, which is why Resonant Radiance is a 12-week intensive energy healing experience.

One thing we cannot change is the stressors you are exposed to, but using energy healing to support your Stress Response System improves the way your mind and body react to these stressors. A healthy Stress Response System has the ability to navigate challenges with grace and ease.

I know that working on your Stress Response System isn't as glamorous as services that improve your outward appearance, but it is essential to your overall well-being. In truth, it's often fun to take a before and after picture when you go through one of my programs because there is a noticeable, physical difference. Not only do you feel better on the inside, you look lighter and brighter on the outside. Radiant!

I invite you to learn more about Resonant Radiance here.

In summary, stress can be very harmful if left on unmanaged. Energy healing is a great way to relieve the detrimental impact of stress to improve your overall well-being.

Thanks for reading!

Be love. Be light. Just Be.


Explore Resonant Radiance to heal deeply-rooted trauma accumulated throughout generations and lifetimes.


author serena james

About the Author: Hi, I'm Serena James! I'm an energy healer passionate about helping people experience a life full of joy, wellness and prosperity. I'm the owner of Just Be Energy Healing and author of the book Vibe Higher. Be sure to check out my Resources page to support you on your journey of healing and growth.

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease or illness. Any action you take as a result of this information is self-prescribed and your right to do so.

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